This video is visualizing a concept exploring the phenomenons “behind the scenes” and “backstage” of the entertainment business with the museum as stage and the Internet as channel.
A while ago I was invited to the press-event “Behind the Scenes” in the Munch Museum’s latest exhibition “Towards the forest”. Visual artist Yoo Sun and his camera came along with me.
That the Munch Museum’s press event was called “Behind the Scenes” brought up good memories of an MTV show that I used to love watching as a kid. This TV show was formatted as documentary film shot on popular music video film sets. The style was cool, fun and with fast tempo.
I found the old videos on the Internet and got really fascinated by stars like Michael Jackson moving between the onstage and offstage roles of private and professional expression on the film set. It was so different to see it now than when I watched the shows on MTV as a kid. Back then I felt like having access to some kind of secret pop universe where nobody knew that I could see them. Now, on the other hand, the universes or so-called realities at the film sets came off just as surrreal and constructed as their products, the music videos.
Congratulations to the Munch Museum and Karl Ove Knausgård with “Towards the forest” and thanks for having us!
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